On &Charge there are pictures from 2022. We see 4 green parking spots in an underground parking. It seems to be the official parking.
There's no Google Street View in that street but the Google Marker for the parking matches with the coordinates of the MOVE marker and a user-contributed photosphere seems to show the same gate as visible on &Charge.
The chargers are ABB AC with attached cables. The branding indicates it's Energie Uster.
There's a closeup of the price list at that time:
Aktuelle Preise ab 1. December 2022
Ladung an dieser Ladestation: bis 22 kW
MOVE-Karte der Energie Uster: 41 Rp./kWh + Aktivierungsgebühr je Ladevorgang: 1.50CHF
Andere Karten: siehe aktuelle Preisliste under www.move.ch
A user contributed note on &Charge indicates the parking is 1.50CHF/h.
This location is only visible in MOVE app since 2024-08-29, I'll need to look back if it was there under a different name before. On the &Charge pictures we don't see any MOVE QR code, but the price list seems to suggest it was already networked through MOVE.