Visited on January 12 and charged with eCarUp app without any issue.
The charger is in the parking lot in front of the Werkhof. There is no gate, parking is free.
The parking spaces are not very wide, and the road is also quite narrow, so it's not easy to reverse into the spot if all other parking spaces are occupied.
I was confused by the "AC 22kW" sticker on the charger, as there was no AC socket anywhere, and it was not referenced on the the spec sticker or the touchscreen. But an AC connector appeared on eCarUp on 2025-01-17, first out of service then seems to have been working since around 2025-02-01.
When I visited, there was no picture on eCarUp yet. But there is one now, and it seems to show the AC connector that was not there during my visit.
There were also cables behind the charger that looked like they could be for a lamp post. The angle on the eCarUp picture doesn't show the back and the cables, but we also don't see any lamp post.