This location was shared by Robert Steiner on X last week

We see 4 fast charging spots outside the Emmen Center. It's the same hardware, colors and totem as the chargers by Manor in Chavannes.

The totems say 300kW, like in Chavannes. We see it's one main Siemens unit with a satellite unit, so this is 300kW shared between 4 stalls.

We don't see any sticker on the charger, so no idea if they will continue to use Evpass or switch to a different backend. The prices on the totems are different on each one and must be test/placeholder values.

The chargers are in the open, likely outside of the main parking. I have not yet visited so I don't know for certain but I assume there are ticket gates for the underground parking. The totems say 24/7 fast charging, so these must be outsid the gates.

On Google street view there are pictures from 2013 where we see this area is indicated as "car wash", and the car wash seemed to use to be exactly where the chargers now are. From satellite pictures we don't see how we exit this area, the road goes back under the building. It probably does some sort of loop and rejoins the parking garage exit and leads somewhere in the vicinity of the gas station.

3 mois plus tard

This location is now visible as roaming in MOVE and Swisscharge. Manor seems to be using the Switch EV platform.

Their website mentions the fast charger, but I am not sure since when


Sie können Ihr Auto oder Ihren Roller bei uns mit Strom versorgen. Die Ladestationen befinden sich im EG des Parkhauses.

Merkmale Steckdosen
Ultra Schnell Leistungen bis 300kW
Attraktiver Preis: 0.77 CHF/kWh
Zahlungsmethoden: VISA / MASTERCARD / TWINT / Partner Abonnement
Stecker-Typ: 4x CCS2 Combo
(für SEO CCS2 Combo = CCS Combo 2 = CCS Type2 Combo)

evpass ist das grösste öffentliche Ladenetz der Schweiz und liefert seinen Nutzern zertifizierte erneuerbare und lokale Energie.

It feels like they edited the original text about the AC stations and now it doesn't make much sense. The AC seem to still be there, but are not mentioned. The DC are not in EG as they are outside. They mention Evpass which was used for AC but now seems to not be used for DC.

The 77ct/kWh price is the same as the one in Chavannes on Evpass.

Perhaps they did temporarily connect the DC chargers in Emmen to Evpass without enabling roaming? If roaming was not enabled I might not be able to find any trace of it in my data.

On Swisscharge the price is currently 67ct/kWh and 18ct/min after 2h, better than the price listed on the website! Also much better than the 98ct/kWh it currently costs to charge at Manor Chavannes with Swisscharge, but they seem to be in the process of migrating to the same backend there as well.

This was the text on the website on June 16, 2024:


Sie können Ihr Auto oder Ihren Roller bei uns mit Strom versorgen. Die Ladestationen befinden sich im EG des Parkhauses.

Merkmale Steckdosen:
4 x Typ 1 – 7 kW
4 x Typ 2 – 22 kW

[Verfügbarkeit prüfen] [broken link to evpass map]

evpass ist das grösste öffentliche Ladenetz der Schweiz und liefert seinen Nutzern zertifizierte erneuerbare und lokale Energie.

There's no other archived version in between.

2 mois plus tard

It seems like Manor switched from Switch EV to eCarUp today. The eCarUp app indicates a price of 56ct/kWh.

The picture they put on eCarUp seems to match with what I saw during my visit on January 12 (pictures not yet published). They even have the same 56ct price visible on the screensaver.

EDIT: it's also the new price displayed on their website (checked on March 1, 2025)

Sie können Ihr Auto oder Ihren Roller bei uns mit Strom versorgen. Die Ladestationen befinden sich im EG des Parkhauses.

Merkmale Steckdosen
Ultra Schnell Leistungen bis 300kW
Attraktiver Preis: 0.56 CHF/kWh
Zahlungsmethoden: VISA / MASTERCARD / TWINT / Partner Abonnement
Stecker-Typ: 4x CCS2 Combo
(für SEO CCS2 Combo = CCS Combo 2 = CCS Type2 Combo)

4 jours plus tard

Visited on January 12 and charged after many problems.

The directions are pretty good. There are 2 totems at the entrance of the parking, and a sign at the only turn without totem.

As already known, the hardware is the same as in Chavannes, but here there are only 4 spaces instead of 8.

I first tried charging via credit card. It didn't tell me how much the electricity would cost, only that the reservation was 80CHF. Then I saw all possible terminal errors, "communication timeout", "Declined" and "Ungültige Transaktion". I was not able to get it to work with either Google Pay or my Debit Mastercard.

What the ad-hoc price would have been if it worked was a complete mystery. At the time the website said 77ct/kWh. The 2 totems on location were saying 56ct/kWh (which happens to now be correct, but likely was not at the time). I was not able to find the price anywhere on the charger itself. Only after a while I realized where the price was: on the screensaver! I never saw the screensaver because as soon as you plug in it wakes up the charger and I did that before walking to the screen. I didn't find any button to bring back that screen on demand. Since all 4 stalls share a single screen, I don't know how you are expected to ever see the screensaver during popular times when someone is constantly plugging or unplugging.

I then tried to charge with Swisscharge instead. I don't remember if I tried RFID but in the app I had issues. Because I had already plugged into the charger to try the credit card reader, the plug I was using was stuck as occupied in the Swisscharge app. Even after unplugging and waiting a few minutes, it did not became available again. So I had to move to a different stall that was shown available in the app.

Despite the near empty parking, there was an EV blocking one of the charging spots. At some point the owner came back and left so fast I was not able to talk to them. I wonder if they tried charging and just gave up.