There seems to have been a recent expansion to the number of charging spots but it's unclear how the chargers are actually distributed.
On Evpass we see 8 chargers, 2 of which the description says are private and 6 are public.
On eCarUp there are now 5 chargers visible. They all have the same picture where we see at least 2 GMB without attached cables.
On the Arosa-Parking website it says there are 12 stations. It used to say "Zurzeit 6 Ladestationen" back in September.
There's still one charger unaccounted for, but it's more likely an eCarUp charger as the number of Evpass was the same for a long time.
The pictures of the Evpass and eCarUp charger cannot confirm if the chargers are in the same parking, but based on the fact there's only 1 parking named this way and the number of chargers was updated on the website it must be the same parking. For now I have 2 markers but I'll merge them together when I get more information.