The roaming/opendata information seems messed up at this location.
The numbers for the plugs in the evpass app don't match with the numbers at the end of the roaming name.
For example, the plug named "evpass - P1 - Oberseeparkplatz No. 01" on opendata and other roaming apps is in fact plug "Floor 0 | Station 6", ID 28917 in evpass mobile app/API.
The mapping roaming => evpass app is as follows (when cross-referencing evpass API data and opendata through the EVSEID):
1 => 6
2 => 8
3 => 5
4 => 2
5 => 4
6 => 1
7 => 7
8 => 3
This seems to be the correct mapping, currently plugs 5 and 8 are occupied in evpass app, while 2 and 3 are occupied on opendata.
For a while, there was no plug No1 visible on opendata, it's now visible. But it's in fact evpass plug 6.
I have not yet visited to see whether it's also a numbering mess in real life.