There are pictures of this location on &Charge. We see 2 green parking spaces, number 35 and 36 in a parking full of yellow spaces. The satellite pictures from Swisstopo confirm the pictures are for the correct location. From the satellite pictures we see the whole area has "PRIVAT" text written on the ground at every entrance. It doesn't look like there are any gates.
On the pictures from May 2022 the charger is bare except for the MOVE QR and a small sheet. We can make out the Uster Energie logo on it, and it seems to say "Aktuelle Preise ab Januar 2022" . The AC cable could be a 43kW variant.
The data only indicates 24kW for the DC connectors, which is a bit odd, as the older ABB chargers were usually only 20kW and the newer would be 50kW. Clearly it's a newer unit, so either the data is incorrect, or there could be a grid limit.