lists the opening date as 2015-10-02.
This must be based on the information shared on thr TFF-Forum:
On April 11, 2025, user StromAir shared a picture of the gabarits for the trafostation.
May 11, more pictures by mellame.
June 11, user stealth_mode reports that Rubigen construction will not begin until after the summer holiday.
August 24, user stealth_mode shares a picture of the construction work starting.
The post from September 10 includes the schematic for the construction company. We see only 6 stalls are planned and wired.
September 23, cables installed. September 25, stalls and power cabinets installed.
October 2, user marcel announces the charger is open, along with an aerial picture.
There aren't any pictures where I can see the stall numbers, but in my own pictures I see they are numbered from right to left, so the 1A to 3B must always have referred to the same stalls.