Visited on January 4.
The charging was without any issue.
However finding the chargers proved once more very difficult. I got lost 2 times and only reached the charger on the third attempt. There is still no Tesla signage when entering from the West entrance, there are EV signs but they all point towards the Swisscharge chargers. From the North-East entrance there is no signage at all and I don't even know if it's possible to reach the chargers at all from there, despite driving right by. The East entrance is the easiest as you arrive right in front of the chargers, and the North-West ground entrance has signage that leads back to the East entrance.
I'm yet to successfully access the chargers from the West entrance at the top of the building (when arriving from the Nordring). I think it must be possible, but you probably need to drive down to the ground level before transitioning to the East side. I saw carwash signs in the West parking upper floors and tried to follow them, only to end up in the East parking with no more directions... Really confusing.
I had difficulty leaving as well, because I chose one of the stalls in front of the wall, and a Model X parked next to me, and I didn't have enough space to make the right turn out of the parking space... I wanted to drive the wrong way and turn around on one of the neighboring spots but there were cars arriving. Had to do a bit of back and forth to make the turn.