The information about this location is confusing.
According to their website:
E-Tankstellen in Sihlcity
Öffnungszeiten: Rund um die Uhr.
Für Elektrofahrzeuge befinden sich 12 E-Tankstellen im Kundenparking auf der Ebene 4. Bei den Ladestationen handelt es sich um folgende Typen:
7 "Easee"-Ladestationen mit Stecker Typ 2 (Ladeleistung = 11kW)
2 "ABB DC Wallbox"-Ladestationen mit Stecker CCS & CHAdeMO (Ladeleistung = 22kW, maximale Parkzeit beträgt 3 Stunden)
3 Tesla-Ladestationen mit entsprechendem Stecker (Ladeleistung = 22kW)
Lageplan: Mall Ebene 2, Parkhaus P4
On Tesla website, it used to say 2x11kW when I imported the information at the end of 2019. Today Tesla website says 7 Connectors up to 4kW, Available 24/7.
On Chargemap, we see 3 Tesla connectors, which matches what is said on the mall website.
In Swisscharge app, there are way more connectors, but most of them show out of service so I expect there are some duplicates.
On opendata, we see all the same connectors as Swisscharge. There are 2 groups, some named just "Sihlcity" and another group "Sihlcity C". This matches with the 2 clusters visible in Swisscharge app.
If I visit the Swisscharge payment page for each connector I can see a better title that includes the stall letter/number. In the "C" cluster, all have letters, A
and D
through I
. One DC and one AC connector don't have a name, those must be B and C. There are 2 times H
, one of which was added more recently. The other cluster are named after the parking space, 440 through 446.
There are pictures on the mall website, on Swisscharge and on Chargemap. Those show that connectors have their letter painted on the wall, A
and B
are DC, and the other 7 are C
through I
. The parking space numbers are C=440, D=441, etc. So there seems to indeed be 2 EVSEIDs for each spot.
Currently it seems like all the AC chargers named after the letter are out of service and those named after the parking spaces are working. The DC chargers don't have duplicate EVSEIDs. One is working, the other seems to be recently out of service.
Not sure where the Tesla chargers are relative to the paid chargers, but it seems to be the same floor since there are no differing instructions on any website. Not sure why Tesla says 7 chargers, that would be very surprising.