Visited yesterday and charged on CCS for a short time.
2 weeks ago, both Münsingen rest stops appeared on Swisscharge. At first DC was listed as 50kW, but this was later corrected to 20kW. At this time, Swisscharge only indicates Type2 and CHAdeMO, but no CCS.
All 3 connectors are still there, and based on the stickers and live data it seems to work like other ABB chargers where CHAdeMO and CCS share the same EVSEID. I first tried charging on CCS via the app (by choosing CHAdeMO) but that didn't work, the app said starting charge forever, and nothing happened on the charger, so maybe there is an issue there. I then started the charge with my Swisscharge RFID and it worked just fine. With much delay, the live data updated to occupied, confirming the CCS and CHAdeMO share the EVSEID.
The power is still the same, listed 22kW AC, 20kW/50A DC. I've never been able to test with 2 cars, I wonder if there is 40kW available or just 20kW shared. The charger is rated for 64A/45kW input. If there is 40+kW grid connection, they should immediately tear down this dinosaur of a charger and put something that can deliver the full power over CCS. Why not an HYC_50 for example? It would still be lame for a rest stop but at least usable. For a budget option, just get any ABB Terra 5x from the recycling bin (everybody is replacing them) and software-limit it to 63A input.
With the 50A limitation, many cars can't even charge at 20kW DC. With the Tesla at 64%/330V I was taking only 17kW at 49A. It's ridiculous that the car would charge faster on AC if it had the double charger fitted. Even my Zoe charges faster here.
The contactless reader and list of accepted cards are still there, but the reader is turned off and not offered on the screen. There's a new sign suggesting to install the Swisscharge app.
All 3 connectors and cables seem to have been swapped. I'm not certain about the CHAdeMO, but the AC and CCS connectors are not the same as during my previous visit in 2023 (I didn't post a closeup last year, but the connectors in 2023 looked identical to the older 2020 pictures). The CCS connector is a curious model, I've never seen it before. It has ABB branding. It somewhat resembles the air/liquid cooled version from the A400, but without any cooling.
Toilets seem to be available 24/7 here. The "night toilets" are right in front of the charging station. The sign says these toilets are only open when the primary toilets in the restaurant are closed.