Visited on Thursday night without charging.
This location has no additional lighting for the charging station, the only light comes from the toilets canopy and the light pole above the handicap spots.
The metal bollards visible in my older picture have been replaced by concrete bollards. I think those bollards are especially useful to prevent trucks from parking in front of the chargers. Only the chargers, handicap spots and one regular spot were not blocked by trucks this night.
The chargers don't have credit card readers. They have the Socar QR codes. IDs 3/4/5 are on the left charger and IDs 6/7 are on the right charger.
The CCTV has been added since my last visit. It's the same setup as at the other rest stops.
It seems very stupid to me to not have equipped all locations with 4 CCS. There's only 3 total here, along with the CHAdeMO and AC.